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Snooki And JWoww Score High In Our BFF Test: Watch Here!

Snooki and JWoww have been the best of friends for the past four years, and there's no doubt that these girls have been through a lot together. They've endured six crazy seasons of "Jersey Shore," took over Jersey City for the first season of "Snooki & JWoww" and have helped each other through breakups and babies.
Now, living more than an hour away from each other during the second season of their show, Snooki and JWoww are entering a new chapter in their lives, balancing motherhood and engagements with their friendship. Yet, a couple extra miles hasn't hurt these two. In fact, the girls are closer than ever.
MTV News recently sat down with the reality stars and put them to what we like to call the "BFF Test" to determine who knows more about the other. After answering a series of questions, the girls wrote down their guesses about each other in a "Newlywed"-type game, and some of their answers might surprise you.
So what did the girls reveal? See for yourselves in the video!
Snooki And JWoww Take The Ultimate BFF Quiz
Who's Your Celebrity Crush?
With a plethora of good-looking celebrities to choose from, guessing your best friend's celebrity crush could be a little difficult.
JWoww believed that Snooki's celebrity crush was Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, and although Snooki admits that he's "hot," she has her eyes set for Paul Walker.
Snooki had better luck this round positively guessing Jenni's crush, even though she couldn't remember his name.
"I think Jenni's celebrity crush is that batman dude with muscles," Snooki said. "I don't know his name."
Jenni added, "Bane, it is, it's Tom Hardy, but I only like Tom Hardy as Bane. I would totally do Bane, with the mask on and everything. I have no shame.
Most Embarrassing Moment 
Snooki and Jenni have had their fair share of embarrassing moments over the years, from Snooki's arrest to Jenni's not-so-private hook-up with Pauly D season one, but out of all those cringe-worthy memories, Snooki had no problem pin-pointing Jenni's.
"Jenni's most embarrassing moment is her hair season one," Snooki said.
As for Snooki? Jenni admits that nothing embarrasses her pint-sized friend because she "learns from her mistakes."
How many kids do they want to have?
While Snooki is already ahead of the game on this one having given birth to her first son Lorenzo last summer, Jenni correctly guessed that Snooki is hoping to add three more babies to her growing family with fiancĂ© Jionni LaValle.
However, Snooki finally got one wrong during this portion of the test, guessing that Jenni will eventually want two children with her fiancé Roger.
"Two plus an adopted," Jenni admitted. "A Chilean so I can have a mini Snooki."
Don't miss "Snooki & JWoww" every Tuesday at 10 p.m. ET on MTV. For more on the show, visit MTV's Remote Control blog.

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