Why do we think Point Maza is the ultimate source for information related to Technology And Entertainment? Because there is no other website to offer you as many features, so you can easily navigate through the Technology And Entertainment jungle.
Who We Are
Why do we think Point Maza is the ultimate source for information related to Technology And Entertainment? Because there is no other website to offer you as many features, so you can easily navigate through the Technology And Entertainment jungle.
Who We Are
Point Maza is a website dedicated to everything related to Technology And Entertainment. We hope you enjoy our writing and subscribe to updates using the buttons on the right.
Our staff is constantly scouring the Internet for the latest Technology and Entertainment news, Phones,Tablets And Computers Specs,sharing tips, tricks, tutorials, hands-on , videos, songs , and movies, reviewing devices, gadgets , apps, and games, and keeping track of custom ROMs and hacks.
Our Team
- Afnan Ali Awan, Chief Editor, Founder
- Lyba Rashid, Editor
The site was founded on 20 September 2012 by Afnan Ali Awan - an web developer, software developer. It went live on September 20th, 2012.
Need To Contact Us?
We'd love to hear from you. Want to share a tip? Got a question or comment for the staff? Head over to the Contact page for all the contact options your heart desires.
Advertising Requests?
If you want to advertise on PointMaza.Blogspot.com, please contact Afnan_ali11@yahoo.com to discuss your proposal.
Got A Review Unit?
If you have an interesting and relevant product, be it a new Technology gadget or an application, we would love to review it. Ping us using the Contact page.
Note: we honor embargoes.
Point Maza Product Review Ethics Statement
We take the objective assessment of the products we receive for review extremely seriously. However, common practice in the technology product industry means that a minority of the products we review are sent as "samples." This industry term means that sometimes a product is sent to us with no expectation that it be returned to the person or company requesting a review. This does not mean the review is "sponsored," "paid," or otherwise compensated - it just means we don't need to send the product back. Rarely, if ever, are we explicitly told prior to reviewing a product that we do not need to return it. In general, we operate under the assumption that any product we review is something we would be required to send back. Personal objectivity is our highest goal as part of any product review, and we promise to always "call it like we see it."
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Our privacy policy is available Here.
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