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Sony Xperia Z appears for preorder in Europe again, this time at $809

It's a small but significant update to the pricing strategy for the Sony Xperia Z we have today, coming from a Slovakian online tech retailer. The phone is up for preorder there at EUR 606 (~$809) SIM-free, which is roughly in line with every flagship smartphone launch in Europe.

Yesterday we saw prices nearing a grand in Europe, and the phone was tipped by Sony Mobile Australia to cost the equivalent of $790 down under. 

The more we are nearing the launch, which retailers are pegging for the end of next month in Europe, the more it seems that Sony won't be commanding a hefty premium for the handset, but rather ship it in the 600-700 range, what most high-ends typically go for without contract shackles upon release anyway.

source: MP3.sk 

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