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Mysterious Samsung GT-I9600 gets benchmarked

If this recently submitted benchmark result is to be trusted, Samsung is brewing a new Android smartphone of some kind. The mysterious device is known only as the GT-I9600 so far and it was just spotted in the NenaMark2 database reaching a top score of 58.5 frames per second. In addition, the results page reveals some of the handset's specs as well, such as that it comes with a 1.4GHz processor, Mali-400 MP graphics, 1280 by 720 pixel display, and Android 4.1.2. 

However, this benchmark results page smells kind of fishy to us. The Samsung GT-I9600, if real, could be a new "Galaxy S" smartphone, but chances are that we're looking at a Samsung Galaxy S III running modified software.

Sure, that's just a guess, but all technical specs that the benchmark reveals match with those of the Korean company's current flagship. We could be wrong, of course, but until further evidence in support of the I9600's existence pops up, we'll remain on the skeptical side. 

All in all, there is a slight chance that a Samsung GT-I9600 is currently in the works, but we aren't too sure about that because NenaMark2 results can be easily faked. Hopefully, we'll know more on the matter in the near future. 

source: NenaMark 

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