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Samsung will have to reveal sales data in Apple patent lawsuit

Samsung will have to reveal sales data in its patent lawsuit with Apple as the Koreans lost a bid to keep it private.

Samsung is now appealing a prior sealing order and just yesterday U.S. District Judge Lucy Koh denied its request for sales data to remain a secret.

“Samsung’s appeal involves pricing information and profit margins,” Koh explained. The data that is requested “only lists the number of units sold in each of several recent months.”
You all know that Apple won $1.05 billion in August when a jury agreed Samsung infringed on six Apple patents. Cupertino is seeking additional damages, but could not prove that demand and sales of Samsung devices were driven by the particular technology it had infringed on.

Yesterday, Judge Koh only granted a Samsung request to postpone publication of a document revealing operating profit for two Samsung devices. Most other requests by both Apple and Samsung were denied by the judge.

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