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Google seeks patent on GPS and weather controlled camera

Google's patent allows GPS and weather data to control the settings on a camera
Google's patent allows GPS and weather data to control the settings on a camera
Google has filed an application with the USPTO for "Device, System and Method for Image Capture Device using Weather Information". It is a big fancy title for a rather simple, but effective idea. The idea is that by using data provided by GPS and adding it to the current weather conditions, the settings on a camera can be perfectly aligned to take great pictures. The controls that would be affected are ones that most people don't ever touch, or even know about such as White Balance, ISO and exposure balance.

Imaging seeing your camera adjust its settings automatically depending on whether you're inside or outside, something that can be determined by GPS. The weather information can be used to determine if it is a sunny day, or if is raining or even overcast. Will this be something that ever finds its way into an Android phone? As long as it doesn't add much to the cost, most people would enjoy having anything that improves the quality of their pictures without having to tinker with the settings.

source: USPTO 

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