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Google Nexus 4 ships with minor design changes

Comparing an older Google Nexus 4 with a newly received model, the guys at Android Central confirmed that the Google Nexus 4 is shipping with a design change. It's nothing major and if you didn't know it was there, you probably would never notice it. What has been added is, for lack of a better word, is a pair of "nubs". They can be found on the rear of the phone, above the two screw holes.

The nubs (circled) on the newer Google Nexus 4
The nubs (circled) on the newer Google Nexus 4
So what is the point of adding these, uh, nubs? Well, when the phone is placed screen up on a table, it creates room between the table and the flush speaker, allowing for the full sound to come out of the rear speaker unimpeded and unblocked. Not only do these amazing nubs make music sound better on your Google Nexus 4, they even make the phone itself look better by preventing the glass from getting scratched. We wonder how many engineers it took to develop the "nub".

Another change has been spotted in the camera. The lens and the ring around it are now smaller. There could be a reason for this, but most likely it was done for cosmetic reasons.
source: mobiFlip (translated) via AndroidCentral

Comparing the new and old camera on the Google Nexus 4
Comparing the new and old camera on the Google Nexus 4

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