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Russell Crowe Defends Un-'Sweetened' 'Les Miserables' After Adam Lambert Rant

Direction Tom 'Hooper wanted it raw and real,' Crowe said of Twitter criticism of the film.

While audiences don't seem to mind that nearly no one in the cast of"Les Misérables" is a professional singer, one pro took some issue with the movie. Adam Lambert recently criticized the fact that "Les Mis" director Tom Hooper enlisted actors, instead of singers, to play the iconic leads in the movie musical.
"Les Mis: Visually impressive w great Emotional performances. But the score suffered massively with great actors PRETENDING to be singers. ...it's an opera," Lambert tweeted over the weekend. "Hollywoods movie musicals treat the singing as the last priority. (Dreamgirls was good)."
And if you think that the cast might be taking issue with Lambert's criticism of their singing ability, you just might be wrong. Russell Crowe took to Twitter on New Year's Day to clarify why he agrees with Lambert's sentiments. He wrote, "I don't disagree with Adam, sure it could have been sweetened, Hooper wanted it raw and real, that's how it is."
While Crowe didn't make Lambert's list of performances he did approve of, the former "American Idol" did note that he felt some of the actors brought it to Hooper's version of the stage show. "Anne Hathaway as Fantine and Enjolras [Aaron Tveit] were the exceptions for me. Helena B Carter and Sasha B Cohen were great too. And I do think it was cool they were singing live- but with that cast, they should have studio recorded and sweetened the vocals," he explained in his Twitter review. "Eponine's voice [Samantha Barks] was cool too..."
Hooper previously told MTV News that the actors' live singing was "essential" to his vision for the movie, but Lambert found it distracting. He further wrote, "I felt like I should ignore the vocals and focus on the emotional subtext- but the singing was so distracting at times it pulled me out. The industry will say 'these actors were so brave to attempt singing this score live' but why not cast actors who could actually sound good? Sorry for being so harsh but it's so True! One more clarification: DO go see it for Anne Hathaways performance. It's was breathtaking."
MTV News spoke to Crowe ahead of the film's December opening day and he shared that if fans were expecting the film to be as polished as the stage play, they would be treated to something completely different. "They're going to expect the type of thing that they're used to, but I don't think it's anything like what they're used to," he said. "Even from the get-go, if you're familiar with "Les Mis," the first line Javert sings is completely different — you've never heard it before."
Do you agree with Adam Lambert's concerns with "Les Mis"? Tell us what you think in the comments!

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