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ZTE Grand X shows up at FCC wearing T-Mobile branding

The ZTE Grand X
The ZTE Grand X
The ZTE Grand X has already been launched in other regions of the globe. But a version for T-Mobile in the U.S. is apparently on the way based on photos taken for the handset's visit with the FCC. Right on the rear cover of the device, the T-Mobile branding is clearly visible. The specs are certainly mid-range starting with the 4.3 inch qHD display which has a pixel density of 256ppi. A dual-core 1.2GHz processor is driving the device which has 1GB of RAM, a 5MP camera on back and a VGA shooter up front. The 1650mAh battery keeps the lights on and Android 4.0 is installed on the unit.

Pricing is unknown and T-Mobile has yet to offer a launch date for the phone. When it was released in the U.K. this past summer, it was priced at the equivalent of $295. One feature that we hope makes the U.S. version of the phone is the Dolby Mobile sound technology. For those who keep score at home, the ZTE Grand X will be known as the V970T. 

source: FCC 
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