Developers now have access to the final APIs as they write apps and RIM's presser cites a survey as showing that 58% would recommend BB10 as a development platform, a 123% increase from May to October. RIM reminds code jockeys that they can use Cascades to build "visually stunning applications" that offer deep integration to other BlackBerry features such as BlackBerry Hub.Those writing with HTML5 can use BlackBerry WebWorks to write apps that offer native-like performance and deep integration with core features.
At the recent BlackBerry Jam Asia conference, the company displayed over 70 new apps including ones from Fox Sports and MTV. RIM doesn't expect to offer 700,000 apps for BlackBerry 10 at launch and immediately compete with the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. CEO Heins has already said that when it comes to app stores, size doesn't matter. RIM's game plan is to have the top 200 to 400 appsavailable for each country and each region. But will that be enough to satisfy smartphone buyers who are accustomed to choosing from hundreds of thousands of apps, even if many are useless?
source: RIM
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