Guess what is back in stock at the Google Play Store? The Google Nexus 4...bumpers. Oh, if only we had stopped before writing bumpers, we could have made many people happy. Still, those lucky enough to have been able to purchase the phone will want to have some protection for the device, and that is what the bumper offers. The bumpers have been out of stock, but can now be ordered for $19.99 with delivery in 3 to 5 days.
By covering them with the rubber, the sides of your Google Nexus 4 are protected. By raising the back of the device slightly, it helps prevent it from getting scratched. The bumper is available in black and if you want one, you can click on the sourcelink to place your order. Considering that it has been sold out before, we wouldn't wait too long before making the purchase.
source: GooglePlayStore
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