Last week, we told you that Apple had reversed its previous decision not to license its Lightning connector. At the time, we were unsure if this meant that the POP project would re-start, but tonight we can tell you that this reversal has put the POP charger back in business on the Kickstarter site. The charger, whose name is an acronym for Point of Power, works on multiple devices with microUSB available for Android devices and both the 30-pin connector and the new Lightning connector for Apple products.
The company behind POP had to refund $100,000 that was collected via Kickstarter when Apple pointed out that its terms prohibited the use of another type of cable in a device that featured the Lightning charger. Thanks to Apple's reversal of its position, the refunds to more than 1,000 backers of the product will not be processed and POP will continue on its way to becoming a useful product for those with a number of devices.
"As you know on Thursday we sent you an update that because of Apple’s rules around Lightning we would be canceling POP. The story got,A LOT of news,and reactions, way more than we could have ever imagined. In fact it became such big news that 24 hours after we posted,Apple changed their guidelines,for Lightning. It was an incredible turn of events for us. We never could have imagined that we would be able to change Apple’s rules. Based on Apple’s change we can make POP the way we had promised and the project is back on. We will not be processing refunds and are going full speed ahead to produce and deliver the product to you ASAP."-Jamie Siminoff, POP project co-founder
source: Kickstarter, GIGaom
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