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New leaked pictures of BlackBerry 10 N-Series surface

New leaked pictures of BlackBerry 10 N-Series surfaceThe trail of images, leaks and information for the upcoming BlackBerry 10 devices remains unabated as we now get to see a couple new pictures of the front of the N-Series which might be called the X10 alongside its touchscreen sibling, the Z10 (which is what the L-Series may be called).

We have seen enough pictures of the Z10, and have been chomping at the bit to see and learn more about the QWERTY-equipped BlackBerry expected sometime next year. We have seen renderings, and we also saw a separate image of the hardware keyboard. Just a couple days ago, we were teased with a picture of the back of a device which was purportedly the N-Series.  Now, we also get to see not only a close-up of the N-Series, but we also see it posing with another QWERTY-equipped BlackBerry device which we know nothing about.  That white BlackBerry's keyboard is also straight, but has a key arrangement reminiscent of the Curve line-up.  It is possible that it is also the Dev Alpha C development device, which was given to about 1,500 developers.  It looks pretty nice for a development device though.  

The main image of the N-Series is not too blurry, there is a bit of washout from the white lab glove cradling the device, but what can be clearly seen is the familiar BlackBerry keyboard layout, though it is oriented with straight rows of sculpted keys rather than the semi-ergonomic curved design seen on the Bold 9900 series. If you look closely, there is still a bezel around the edge so the keys are not flush to the side of the device. The screen is dark but seems to be living up to the 720x720 resolution that has been discussed before.

That is all we can glean so far, other than these QWERTY devices retain the familiar BlackBerry form factor. What you do think? Will you miss the iconic BlackBerry track-pad, phone, escape and menu keys? The keyboard looks pretty handy.

1. Full view

Even with the overexposure, the image reveals a lot of detail we were expecting.

2. Who is that?

On the far left, we are greeted by a device we have not seen before, sharing the frame with the Z10 and the X10.

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