With the recent launch of the HTC 8X and the Nokia Lumia 822, Verizon is making a new push of Windows Phone 8 handsets after previously treating Windows Phone 7 like a poor relative. The Nokia Lumia 822 is an exclusive model to Big Red and and is similar to the Nokia Lumia 820 with some changes, such as a larger capacity battery and a better front-facing camera.
In an effort to promote the phone, which should be a huge holiday seller for the nation's largest carrier, Verizon has started a television campaign with the first ad called "Reverse Origami". The ad has started popping up all over the airwaves promoting this mid-ranger, which is being offered for $99.99 with a signed two-year pact.
Verizon hasn't always done justice to its devices with the ads that it has come up with. Remember the focus on Mom with the Palm Pre? Or the ads for the LG Dare that showed the device within mauling distance of some mean dogs? The ad for the Nokia Lumia 822 is supposed to show you how easy is it to use because it runs on Windows, an operating system that everyone has used. Of course, we are talking about Windows Phone 8, but the idea that the phone is easy to use because it is a Windows Phone should go over better than the idea that the Pre is a great phone because your Mom can use it.
source: Verizon
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