For possibly the first time in Germany, Finnish handset manufacturer Nokia has sold out of a new device. According to Nokia's German Facebook page, Nokia acknowledges receiving reports from retailers that all inventory of the Windows Phone 8 flavoredNokia Lumia 920 is gone. Noklia even goes as far as asking retailers in the country to post on the OEM's Facebook page if they have any Nokia Lumia 920 units remaining, and also asks customers to report if they come across a store with the phone for sale.
Is this the result of extraordinary strong demand for the model, or did Nokia simply ship too few Lumia 920s to the country? Regardless, it all bodes well for worldwide demand of Nokia's new flagship phone. And yes, it could be the beginning of Windows Phone 8 grabbing a larger market share. Remember, the Motorola DROID is the device that put Android on the map and Windows Phone 8 supporters have been looking for the handset that would do the same for Microsoft's mobile OS. Is the Nokia Lumia 920 that phone?
source: Nokia
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