Initial standouts with the HTC One VX for AT&T
1. Solid build quality
Without question, we’re amazed at how solid feeling the HTC One VX is, as we grasp it in our hand. Not only is its construction impeccable, but we’re also equally amazed that it’s fairly light in weight for a smartphone of its stature.

2. Large display for a handset deemed as “budget-oriented”
Similar to how we’re in awe over the HTC One X+’s ginormous display, we have to admit, the feelings are also here with the HTC One VX, since it’s packing along a respectable display as well. Enchanting us with its warm tones, its 4.5” qHD Super-LCD 2 display shines in all aspects – despite the lower resolution and all.

3. It’s snappy for the most part
From a cursory look, the HTC One VX exhibits enough snappiness with its performance to appease us, which is attributed to its dual-core 1.2GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 processor. Then again, we’re wondering how much better it’ll be when it’s updated to Android 4.1 Jelly Bean.

4. Price, price, price
We have to say folks, we’re most curious about its pricing. Taking into account that AT&T will also be selling the mighty HTC One X+, that device is sure to earn one premium price. With the HTC One VX, it’s certain to be sporting something less. However, the main question is, will it actually be a considerable drop?

5. How long for Jelly Bean?
To tell you the truth, the latest HTC Sense experience is a great one, but for some of the hardcore Android lovers out there, they want the most up-to-date experience. With the pre-production we’re looking at, it’s running ICS, which is what will be offered by the handset when it’s released. So the obvious question we’re dying to know is when it’ll be upgraded.

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