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Microsoft opens stores in New York, Delaware and New Hampshire to cheering crowds

Microsoft opens stores in New York, Delaware and New Hampshire to cheering crowdsNow with over 45 stores, Microsoft opened two new locations in New York on Friday. Their Salem, New Hampshire and Newark, Delaware locations opened today.

Based on the videos taken at Huntington Station, which is on Long Island in New York, and White Plains, which is situated between the affluent Fairfield County of Connecticut and northern suburbs of Manhattan, the openings were a success.

That may be putting it mildly, the crowds outside those locations erupted in cheers when the countdown reached zero and the storefronts opened up. Of course, Microsoft did have some enticements, such as give away prizes like a Samsung Series 9 laptop, Xbox 360 with Kinect and other treats. Even with those prizes, there were sizable crowds outside those locations. In Delaware, at the Christiana Mall in Newark there were rope barriers to control the line.

There are some exciting times on the horizon for Microsoft and these new locations are sure to help as Windows 8, Windows Phone 8 and all the exciting products associated with them become available. There are a bunch of pictures followed by videos taken at each of the New York locations.

If you have a Microsoft store near you, does it amp up the excitement of the new goodies coming from Microsoft soon? 
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