On Wednesday, besides introducing the Sony Xperia Z1, Sony introduced its two new interchangeable lens which it calls the Sony Lens-Style Cameras. The two models, the DSC QX-100 and DSC QX-10, work with an Android or iOS phone and can attach to the handset or a tripod, or will work just held in your hand with the phone acting as a remote control.
Nokia might have just been sold to Microsoft, but that deal won't close for some time. So Nokia decided to sent out a tweet making fun of the Lens-Style Camera showing a lens taped to the camera on the Nokia Lumia 1020. "The perfect match?," asks the tweet.
Considering that Microsoft has been showing off its funny bone as has Nokia in a number of new ads, when those two firms unite after the acquisition closes, imagine what kind of funny stuff we might see then!
source: @nokia
Nokia might have just been sold to Microsoft, but that deal won't close for some time. So Nokia decided to sent out a tweet making fun of the Lens-Style Camera showing a lens taped to the camera on the Nokia Lumia 1020. "The perfect match?," asks the tweet.
Considering that Microsoft has been showing off its funny bone as has Nokia in a number of new ads, when those two firms unite after the acquisition closes, imagine what kind of funny stuff we might see then!
source: @nokia
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