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SwiftKey Tilt offers full body typing

SwiftKey is one of the best alternative keyboards available for Android, and today it's getting better. The team is now introducing SwiftKey Tilt, which is designed like a gesture keyboard, but rather than using one boring finger to type, you get to use your whole body to convey your message.

All right, fine. So this one is another April Fool's Day prank, but the video alone makes it worthwhile. As has become standard for April Fool's Day, the video starts out sounding fairly earnest before descending into absurdity, including a bit of an homage to the Harlem Shake. And, apparently SwiftKey Tilt works quite well when you're on a unicycle. 

And, it looks like you actually can play around with this if you want to. PM reader mishpillado let us know that by typing "tilt" into the SwiftKey keyboard, then long-pressing the word "tilt" in the suggestion bar, you can enable the option. It is fun for a few minutes, but obviously, it's nearly impossible to use. Good job to the SwiftKey team.

source: SwiftKey

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