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Sony unveils Animalia family of products designed for your pets

Google was on a roll this morning bombarding the web with its usual set of April fools’ jokes. From Gmail Blue to Google Treasure Maps and the alleged shutdown of YouTube, we saw it all. Sony however is taking it one step further.

The company has come up with a video for Animalia, a new range of products for... pets.

First are the In-Cage speakers for hamsters that rock the beats in tempo with the rodents’ running routine. 

Then, the M3-OW KittyCans with ActiveLights technology that makes it look like your kitty is listening to music even when it’s not. Perfect for cats that don’t want to be disturbed.

And then there is the K9 4K TV blue-yellow television for dogs with a paw-friendly remote. Why does a dog need the reds it can’t see anyway? Plus, it’s got 54.2 surround sound in the 23-54kHz range that you won’t ever hear.

Pricing and availability were not detailed, but we are sure the second generation of the system should come in just around a year, around next April 1st.

source: Sony

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