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Apple apologizes for Chinese warranty issues with letter from CEO Tim Cook

After getting battered in the Chinese media for offering shorter warranty periods and by replacing faulty products with refurbished models, Apple CEO Tim Cook posted an open letter to Chinese consumers on Monday that explained how Apple would follow the country's Three Guarantees law which calls for the repair, refund and replacement of faulty products. The Apple iPhone 4S and Apple iPhone 4 were being given shorter warranty periods in China than in other countries, and this was uniting the country against Apple.

The Apple iPhone 4 now has a stronger warranty in China
The Apple iPhone 4 now has a stronger warranty in China
In Cook's letter, he says that Apple is improving the repair policy for the Apple iPhone 4S and Apple iPhone 4 with the first 15 day grace period continuing to offer full device replacement. For the remainder of the one year period, a bad device will either receive new parts or be replaced with a new unit. That replaces Apple's old policy of using refurbished parts or exchanging a bad unit for a refurbished model after the first 15 days had expired. Once the consumer receives the device with the new parts, or a brand new unit, the one-year warranty restarts according to the Three Guarantees law.

On Apple's web site in the country is the manufacturer's restated warranty and repair policy statement which includes the two-years of warranty on key parts for the Apple iPad while only one year is given for batteries and accessories for the slate. Apple also said that it will provide more supervision and training for supervision and training for Apple Authorized Service Providers and Chinese consumers now have a direct online feedback link to get in touch with Apple.

We know that Tim Cook has high hopes for China and expects the country to eventually be Apple's top market. Hopefully for Apple, this relatively quick action and its bowing to local customs will get Chinese consumers back on its side.

source: AppleChina (translated)

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