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Androidbook to be an Android notebook, to come in Q3 2013?

Androidbook, an Android-powered notebook might get unveiled in the third quarter of 2013, according to an interesting speculation from DigiTimes, a publication with deep roots in Taiwan’s tech supply chain.

DigiTimes Research, the analytical division of the publication, has suggested that the Androidbook could become a reality in Q3 2013. It cites the arrival of Google’s Chrome head, Sundar Pichai, on top of the Android system. To remind you, Google has recently unveiled its Chromebook Pixel notebook that beat the MacBook Retina to become the laptop with highest resolution on the market.

Up until now, though, there were no clues of Google bridging the gap between Chrome OS and Android, and while an Androidbook won’t exactly merge the platforms, it might cannibalize ChromeBook sales. Don't forget that this is just a speculation from DigiTimes analysts, and this time it does not seem to have its roots in their famous supply chain sources, so take it with the usual grain of salt.

Still, the Linux-based Android definitely has a lot of the versatility of the of a traditional desktop platform. And with more than 700,000 apps, it definitely has an edge over Chrome OS. What do you think, would you consider buying an Androidbook?

source: DigiTimes

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