ZTE is no stranger to making smartphones powered by Intel processors. In 2012, the Chinese company launched its ZTE Grand X IN across parts of Europe, thus becoming the first manufacturer to release a flagship Intel-based handset on the Old Continent. Ticking inside the said device is an Atom Z2460 chip with a single core clocked at 1.6GHz. Yet Intel has better processors coming down the road, and ZTE is already interested in them.
ZTE announced today its partnership with Intel in manufacturing smartphones powered by the new Atom Z2580 processor, which just got announced during Mobile World Congress. It's a dual-core chip that can run at up to 2.0GHz with support for Hyper-Threading technology for improved multitasking. Raw performance figures indicate that the Z2580 offers twice the computational capabilities of the aforementioned Z2460 and has three times the graphics power of its predecessor. At the same time, power consumption has remained at levels typical for use in a smartphone.
No details in regards to availability of ZTE smartphones with Atom Z2580 inside have been given.
source: ZTE
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