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Windows Phone outselling iPhone in seven markets already

Windows Phone might be a promising platform with great looks and plenty of fluidity, but sadly with no official sales figures it’s hard to know whether it’s catching up or not. Now, Microsoft’s corporate communications VP Frank Shaw unveiled parts of the mystery but not the whole mystery.

“Windows Phone has reached 10 percent market share in a number of countries, and according to IDC’s latest report, has shipped more than Blackberry in 26 markets and more than iPhone in seven.”
The 10% market share - in case you were wondering - was one of the milestones Microsoft has long been waiting to achieve to signify a breakthrough in its attempts to build the third ecosystem. Sadly, Shaw leaves it up to the imagination to know what exact countries were those 10% in - are they in large developed markets, or in tinier emerging markets. Whatever the case, it’s hard to draw any conclusions out of that. We can only say that Microsoft is slowly but surely raising its market presence.

Of course, Microsoft’s corporate communications VP did not pass on the opportunity to throw a punch at Google for its annual “spring cleaning” that this time killed a high-profile product like Google Reader.

source: TechNet

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