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Texas Instruments develops chipset enabling half the time needed to recharge battery

The new line of chips, seven in all, supply power twice as fast as the current generation of chipsets thanks to a new “battery path impedance compensation system.” These new integrated circuits for single-cell lithium-ion batteries can be used in a wide array of devices.

The “BQ2419x” line can find use not only in smartphones and tablets, but also LTE routers, Wi-Fi speakers, even mobile medical equipment and other portable devices.

It seems like battery technology has not been keeping pace with the advances in mobile hardware and network technologies. However, it has not been standing still either. Lithium-ion batteries have been seeing incremental improvements in density. The sector has also been contending with safety factors as well while it improves the technology overall.

The new TI “fast-charge units” meet Energy Star and EU charging specifications and are designed to run cool while being up to 92% efficient. That is not too bad for a component measuring just 4mm x 4mm. With smartphone sales expected to grow by leaps and bounds for the foreseeable future, this new chip by Texas Instruments is timely.

source: TechWeek Europe

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