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Temple Run landing on Windows Phone today

Temple Run, the endless runner that got massively popular on iOS and Android, is finally arriving to Windows Phone. You might think “Ah, Microsoft is quickly catching up!,” but while it is true that Windows Phone is catching up with apps, this is not the latest Temple Run 2 - it is the 18-month old original. It also doesn’t use the Xbox Live platform.

Temple Run landing on Windows Phone today
And Temple Run is not the only high-profile game that arrives to the Windows Phone OS. Gravity Guy 2 is coming with Xbox Live support. 6th Planet, Propel Man, Orcs Must Survive, Ruzzle, Fling Theory, and Drift Mania are all among the newcomers. 

What’s yet to come? We are still waiting for Jetpack Joyride for example. But good news is that Microsoft is slowly but surely filling in the gaps. Windows Phone 8 promised easy porting of games, but developers have been reluctant. Hopefully, not for long.

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