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Spidey-sense tingling? Marvel offers 700 comic books free on your iOS or Android phone or tablet

Screenshot from the Apple iPhone version of ComiXology app
Screenshot from the Apple iPhone version of ComiXology app
Screenshot from the Apple iPhone version of ComiXology app
At SXSW, Marvel Comics (now a part of the Mickey Mouse/Darth Vader empire) has shocked the crowd by announcing that those with an Apple iPhone, Apple iPad or Android device can download 700 comics for free from the ComiXology Comics app for iOS and Android. It's not like Disney to give away anything of value for free, and the offer expires Tuesday night at 11pm EDT, which means that you better move quickly if you're interested. 

The titles available include a number of #1 editions involving some of your favorite Marvel super heroes like Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck Spiderman, X-Men and the Hulk. Both the iOS and Android apps are free to download. Thanks to the success at the box-office of Marvel character based movies, and the amazing numbers pulled in by the Big Bang Theory, you no longer have to hide your comic book addiction.  

source: Kotaku

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