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Justin Long to play Steve Jobs in iSteve parody

Justin Long will play Steve Jobs in iSteve
Justin Long will play Steve Jobs in iSteve
For years, Justin Long was the face of Apple, portraying "Mac" in those famous Mac vs. PC ads. Ironically, he has been chosen to once again be the face of Apple, but this time playing Steve Jobs in a new movie called iSteve. The movie, which is a satirical look at Jobs' Wikipedia page, bills itself as "The first Steve Jobs movie," which it will be when it premieres on April 15th. That is because the Ashton Kutcher as Jobs biopic "Jobs" has been delayed.

The parody will be available from the website Funny or Die. The picture will run 60 to 75 minutes and writer Ryan Perez said the script was written in three days and the movie shot in five days. Perez says that, "in true Internet fashion, it's not based on very thorough research -- essentially a cursory look at the Steve Jobs Wikipedia page. It's very silly. But it looks at his whole life."

Besides Jobsthere is also the Aaron Sorkin movie of Steve Jobs' lifethat will be based on Walter Isaacson's biography. That movie has yet to be cast.

source: NYTimes, CultofMac

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