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#IfIHadGlass winners are a mix of celebs and regular people

Google hasn't officially released the list of 8,000 winners of the #IfIHadGlass contest (although, is it really a "contest" if the "winners" still have to pay $1500 for the "prize"?) But, Google has been notifying the winners through public forums like Twitter and Google+, so Ph.D student Andrej Karpathy has been able to gather some stats about the winners.

Google said when it announced the competition that those with more social clout wouldn't be favored over anyone else, and has said that an independent outside panel chose the winners at random. Karpathy's list seems to be a little top-heavy, that more celebrities and those with high Twitter-follow counts. But, even out of the 2318 Twitter winners included on Karpathy's list, more that 25% (602) of them had fewer than 100 followers. and more than half had fewer than 1000 followers. 

Of course, that doesn't mean there aren't some big names on the list. Right at the top is the awesome Neil Patrick Harris, who says he will use Glass to document a day of shooting on How I Met Your Mother. Also up at the top of the list are Soulja Boy, former Speaker of the House of Representatives Newt Gingrich, tech guru Tim O'Reilly, and LeVar Burton. 

source: Andrej Karpathy

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