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Google Keep launches to take on Evernote

The leak was telling it seems, because Google has officially launched Google Keep, which is a note-taking service that looks to compete with apps like Evernote. Google Keep will be available on Android 4.0+ devices and of course it will have a web app as well. The Android app actually looks quite a bit like another Android app called ColorNote.

Keep looks like a pretty full featured note-taking app that allows you to "save ideas and organize to-dos the moment they happen by creating notes, lists, photos and voice recordings right from your phone" or tablet or PC. The app will also be integrated into Google Drive "in the coming weeks." Voice notes will be transcribed, and notes will sync across devices. 

The app looks pretty slick. We'll be playing with it to see how it works. If you want to give it a try, it's available on the web and in the Play Store for free.

source: Google

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