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Google Glass could be manufactured in the US

More and more info is coming out about Google Glass these days. The buildup really makes us think that there will be a pretty big announcement about the product at Google I/O in May. We just heard that Google had chosen the winners of the #IfIHadGlass promotion, and now a new report says that Google could actually be manufacturing Glass right here in the good old US of A.

According to The Financial Times, Google is looking to make Glass the second device the company has built in the US (and the first successful one) after the stillborn Nexus Q. Google is apparently planning to manufacture Glass at the Foxconn plant right next door to Mountainview in Santa Clara, California. The idea is that Google wants to be close by to monitor the first production run, because it very well could be complicated and expensive. 

This setup could just be for the initial run of production, and could very well account for the $1500 pricetag that early adopters are paying for Glass. It's unclear if Google will move manufacturing overseas once Glass is ready for mass production.

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