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Google Glass ban on drivers sought by West Virginia lawmaker

West Virginia lawmaker Gary G. Howell, a Republican sitting on the West Virginia Legislature, is leading the charge for a law in the state that would ban the use of Google Glass by drivers. Howell likens the use of the device by those behind the wheel to those who send and receive text messages while driving. Those caught using Google Glass while driving a vehicle would face a $100 fine for the first offense. Each additional offense would see the fine rise by another $100. For example, if you're tempting fate and get caught for the fifth time, that will lighten your wallet by $500. Add that to the $1,500 cost of Google Glass, and it starts to run up to some real money!

A local politician in West Virginia wants to ban drivers from wearing Google Glass
A local politician in West Virginia wants to ban drivers from wearing Google Glass
Howell wants it to be known that he is not against the device and sees it as the future. But he sees wearing it and driving a danger to many of the state's teens. He said that with the dangers inherent with texting and driving, he sees Google Glass as an "extension" of this and if his bill doesn't become law, he at hopes it leads to bills filed by other legislatures. Howell's proposed bill would add head-mounted displays to cellphones and other electronic devices that are currently prohibited from use while driving in the state.

Last month, a small bar in Seattle made national headlines. The 5 Points Cafe, located near Amazon and apparently a hangout for Amazon employees, banned Google Glass for privacy reasons saying that Glass wearers can snap pictures and take video of bar patrons without their permission.

Howell's proposed bill is H.B. 3057 and can be viewed in its entirety by clicking on the sourcelink. But not while you're driving.

"I actually like the idea of the product and I believe it is the future, but last legislature we worked long and hard on a no-texting-and-driving law. It is mostly the young that are the tech-savvy that try new things. They are also our most vulnerable and underskilled drivers. We heard of many crashes caused by texting and driving, most involving our youngest drivers. I see the Google Glass as an extension."-Gary Howell, W. Virginia lawmaker

source: WestVirginiaLegislature 

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