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Google gets patent for advanced display settings based on battery life

This patent is a pretty cool one, because it's finally something that's at least a little bit different. It's not just a patent for something that we've all seen, but rather Google has been granted a patent for advanced display settings based on battery life. And, "advanced" is the key word here, because we're not just talking about brightness.

Google gets patent for advanced display settings based on battery life
According to the new patent granted for Google, there would be three different "operating modes" that would be implemented for OLED displays based on the battery level. On the first level, blur and animations would be disabled. On the second level, the resolution of the display would be lowered. On the third level, the display would only show black and red colors (the most power efficient colors for OLED displays).

Should be interesting to see this in action. The question now is whether or not this tech will be folded into Android's base. It seems likely that Google would put it into Android for all to enjoy, but we'll have to wait and see.

source: Google 

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