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Google Currents gets cross-device syncing

In a world without Google Reader, we fully expected Google to keep updating its own in-house Reader alternatives, and Google Currents is the first on the line for updates. The Google Currents Android app was updated today, and it added an incredibly important feature: cross-device syncing. One of our main issues with Currents had been that previously read items didn't sync between devices, so it made more sense to only use Currents on your tablet or phone, but not both. Now, that issue is gone (unless you have an Apple device, because the update hasn't made it to iOS yet.)

Aside from that, Google has also added quite a lot of features for feeds that contain audio. There is a new "story scanner" button which allows you to easily start audio that's in an article, and an option to create playlists of audio from a feed you follow. Once you're playing audio, there are in-app controls, as well as audio controls in your navigation tray. 

Definitely a solid update that really adds to the usability of Google Currents. If you want to try it out, it's available for free in the Google Play Store.

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