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Facebook free calling extends to UK iOS Messenger app, still no Android support

Facebook has been taking its time in rolling out free calling between users in its mobile apps. First, the feature came to the iOS Messenger app for users in Canada only .Then, it made its way to all iOS users of the main Facebook app in both the US and Canada. Now, it's being rolled out to the iOS Messenger app for UK users, but still no sign of the feature coming to Android.

Just like the other updates, this means that iOS users in the UK who have the Facebook Messenger app can now make voice calls to other Facebook users who are also in supported regions with supported versions of the app. Users will also be able to leave voice messages for other users, and this is one feature that does extend to Android users. 

It is possible that the update goes beyond the UK to other European countries, but that hasn't been confirmed yet. If you are in the UK and want to give it a try, just make sure you grab the Facebook Messenger app from the iTunes App Store.

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