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Digg details plans for Google Reader replacement

About a week and a half ago, CEO Larry Page announced that Google would be killing off Reader, which of course led to an exodus of users to the best alternatives. During the aftermath, Digg announced that it would be building a replacement for Google Reader, and today Digg has released more detailed plans for the service. 

Well, maybe "detailed" isn't quite the right word, because Digg really only laid out the overall ideas it would be aiming for with its RSS app. According to the post, the team went through the 800+ comments that were on the original announcement post, and came up with these 4 recurring points:

  1. Keep it simple, stupid
  2. Make it fast (like really fast)
  3. Synchronize across devices
  4. Make it easy to import from existing Google Reader accounts

We're not sure why the team couldn't come to those ideas on its own and had to go through comments, but so it goes. There's no word on the plans for the back-end service and API, which were the keys to Google Reader's popularity. 

The team did say that it wants "to experiment with and add value to the sources of information that are increasingly important, but difficult to surface and organize in most reader applications — like Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, Reddit, LinkedIn, or Hacker News." And, it was clear to set expectations saying that "building a Google Reader replacement in a few months is a massive undertaking", so some features may not make version one. 

source: Digg 

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