Apple pushed iOS 6.1.3 out to its mobile devices on Tuesday, mainly to repair a flaw with the lockscreen. Anyone could gain access to a locked Apple iPhone by canceling a call made from the lockscreen, while repeatedly pressing on the power button. This action would load up the phone app, allowing an unauthorized user to steal information like call history, contacts, photos, messages, FaceTime info and other personal information that you wouldn't want to see in the hands of a stranger.
Also improved with iOS 6.1.3 is Apple Maps. The beleaguered mapping application has been overhauled in Japan where pronunciation of turn-by-turn directions has been improved along with 3D images of buildings in the country.
The iOS 6.1.3 update covers the Apple iPhone 3GS or later, the fourth-generation of the Apple iPod touch or later and the Apple iPad 2 or later. Meanwhile, there is speculation that Apple has been improving Apple Maps in specific cities like Baltimore, Cleveland, Minneapolis, Vancouver, Canada and Glasgow, Scotland.
source: Apple
Also improved with iOS 6.1.3 is Apple Maps. The beleaguered mapping application has been overhauled in Japan where pronunciation of turn-by-turn directions has been improved along with 3D images of buildings in the country.
The iOS 6.1.3 update covers the Apple iPhone 3GS or later, the fourth-generation of the Apple iPod touch or later and the Apple iPad 2 or later. Meanwhile, there is speculation that Apple has been improving Apple Maps in specific cities like Baltimore, Cleveland, Minneapolis, Vancouver, Canada and Glasgow, Scotland.
source: Apple
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