The Sony Xperia Tablet S launched last September as the first Sony slate ever to carry the Xperia name. By October, a manufacturing error reared its ugly head and a gap between the casing and the screen was found which left the tablet open to water damage even though it was coated with a water resistant material. At that point, 100,000 tablets had been sold, but the Japanese manufacturer had to put a halt to sales at that point and re-work the manufacturing process. And even before that problem was detected, the tablet had experienced a connectivity issue with its Wi-Fi radio which had been repaired.
The tablet returned to the market place in November, good as new, and is now being rewarded for its return by getting updated to Android 4.1.2. Actually, the update isn't expected until Late April or early May, but it does give owners of the tablet something to look forward to with the silky smooth UI responsiveness of Project Butter. And why stop there? Google Now gives you all of the information you need when you need it. And the actionable notifications panel allows you to return a call, reply to an email, or watch video and view pictures directly from the panel. And surely Sony will have its own unique changelist for the device.
If you own the Sony Tablet S, sorry, this update is not for you. But if it is the Sony Xperia Tablet S in your possession, better days for your tablet are right around the corner.
source: XperiaBlog
The tablet returned to the market place in November, good as new, and is now being rewarded for its return by getting updated to Android 4.1.2. Actually, the update isn't expected until Late April or early May, but it does give owners of the tablet something to look forward to with the silky smooth UI responsiveness of Project Butter. And why stop there? Google Now gives you all of the information you need when you need it. And the actionable notifications panel allows you to return a call, reply to an email, or watch video and view pictures directly from the panel. And surely Sony will have its own unique changelist for the device.
If you own the Sony Tablet S, sorry, this update is not for you. But if it is the Sony Xperia Tablet S in your possession, better days for your tablet are right around the corner.
source: XperiaBlog
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