On Wednesday, we told you that Apple and Samsung together accounted for 103% of smartphone profits last year. Apple is currently selling its 6th generation Apple iPhone 5 while Samsung has a couple of hot models with the Samsung Galaxy S III and the Samsung GALAXY Note II. While Wozniak's comments praised the Korean manufacturer, Apple and Samsung are gearing up for the sequel to last year's heavyweight courtroom showdown over allegedly infringed patents. The first case resulted in a $1.05 billion jury verdict for Apple, although Samsung has said that it would appeal the decision.
Samsung has turned its Galaxy S line into the flagshipAndroid model. Like the Apple iPhone, which every year introduces a new model that fans and pundits wait for by guessing at the new features, the Samsung Galaxy S III was leaked over the course of months until it was introduced. Samsung has packed a number of features into its new models such as multiwindows which allows users to split the screen in half to run two apps at once; Smart Stay which keeps the phone from going to sleep if the front-facing camera sees that you aren't; and S Beam which lets two Samsung Galaxy S III models tap to share files, photos and videos. Samsung even used the S Beam on its commercials making fun of Apple iPhone users waiting on line for the next model.
I am proud that we have such loyal fans. But this loyalty is not given, the need to have the best products is always there. Currently we are in my opinion somewhat behind with features in the smartphone business. Others have caught up. Samsung is a big competitor. But precisely because they are currently making great products.-Steve Wozniak
source: electronista
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