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Touch and Go on the BlackBerry Q10 puts its QWERTY keyboard to good use

What sets the BlackBerry Q10 apart from most of its modern smartphone counterparts is that is sports a physical QWERTY keyboard. Naturally, it comes in handy when typing those lengthy emails or while chatting, but the makers of BlackBerry 10 have added an extra feature that takes even more advantage of its constant presence. Type and Go, as it is called, allows actions to be triggered with the use of certain commands.

For example, typing "email" and then a contact's name will launch the email client and add them as a recipient. And this doesn't work only for emails – shooting messages through Facebook, Twitter, BBM, or LinkedIn is also supported. It's a pretty neat feature, we must admit, and we're sure that BlackBerry Q10 owners are going to love it. Go check out Type and Go in action in the video below.

source: BlackBerry 

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