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New Google Now card will show recipe recommendations

Just in case you weren't already impressed with the amount of information that Google Now serves up to you on a constant basis, and just in case you weren't impressed with the widget and other goodies that were listed in the update that came a few days ago, there is another new card in Google Now that wasn't documented. Google Now has also gotten the ability to show recipe recommendations based on recent searches.

So, in case you are keeping score, this means that Google Now will serve up information on: weather, sports (college and pros), traffic, appointments, movies, public transit, flights, places, public alerts, stocks, news, popular photo spots, events, birthdays, activity summaries, real estate, package tracking, hotels, boarding/movie tickets, currency exchange, translation, and research topics (which now includes recipes). 

It's getting harder and harder to think of an app that comes close to matching what Google Now offers. 

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