Android fans and Motorola fans in particular, are eagerly awaiting the Motorola X, the first Moto handset said to show the world that Motorola has a famous corporate parent. In other words, Google is expected to have a lot of input with this model. The latest rumor has the phone launching on July 8th from Verizon for $299.99 on contract and a low priced off-contract version is expected for the Google Play Store.
That date might be a little optimistic as an ad on Linkedin showed that Motorola Mobility is looking for a Senior Director Product Management, X Phone. The job listing basically hints that the phone is in its earliest stages of development, which might mean the expected introduction of the phone at Google I/O in May also could be too optimistic. Let's hope Key Lime Pie doesn't spoil when left at room temperature.
The bar has been raised very high for a Google-Motorola collaboration, so if the phone takes a little bit longer to get to the marketplace, the results should be worth the wait. The ad, which was posted on Wednesday, was taken down after a few hours. Either the position was filled after the ad ran for only a brief period of time (which would be a great promotional ad for Linkedin), or someone posted something that should not have seen the light of day.
source: Linkedin
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