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Kutcher and Gad discuss playing Jobs and Wozniak at Macworld

At Macworld on Thursday, Ashton Kutcher and Josh Gad hosted a session called "Playing Steve and Woz". The two actors are the stars in the upcoming biopicJobs, which received mixed reviews from the critics when screened last week at the Sundance Film Festival.  Recently, a clip from the film was leaked showing Gad's Wozniak as a clueless nerd who built a computer as a hobby and Kutcher's Jobs as the visionary who had a plan to put a computer in every home. The real Steve Wozniak said that the personalities in the scene did not accurately portray real life where he was the visionary who had an idea about how valuable the desktop computer would be.

Josh Gad and Ashton Kutcher discuss Woz and Steve at Macworld
Kutcher, allegedly the highest paid actor on television earning$24 million a year for his role on Two and a Half Men, said that playing Jobs had changed his life and changed him as a person. The late Apple executive is one of the actor's heroes and Kutcher himself has become a venture capitalist, seeding some start up companies. The actor says that portraying the college dropout who became the only man ever to be the CEO of two Fortune 500 companies (Apple and Pixar), taught him focus and to avoid the projects that seem tempting but won't help you achieve your long term goal. Kutcher also mentioned Jobs' compassion for the consumer and his belief that the impossible can be done.

One frightening moment for Kutcher came when he tried to follow the fruitarian diet that Jobs had tried. For a month, the star consumed nothing but fruit and carrot juice and developed pancreatitis so severe that he was doubled over in pain. Jobs died in 2011 from complications related to pancreatic cancer.

Jobs opens April 19th at a theater near you.

source: Forbes

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