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Google releases pictures from Hackathon

The winning group got their Google Glass paid for by Google
Late January in San Francisco, and early this month in New York, Google got together those who had pre-ordered the Explorer Edition of Google Glass to take part in a 'Hackathon'. We'd love to tell you about everything that happened at the events, we really would. But alas, we can't. An NDA prevents those in attendance from opening up about Google Glass. And that means no one is talking. Well, that is not entirely true.

Ironically, Google is doing some talking here thanks to a number of pictures it has posted. Actually, you know the old saying about a picture being equal to a thousand words? These photos aren't worth more than a couple of grunts at best. The "pioneers" came up with 80 new ways to use Google Glass (was any of them to just wear it to shield the eyes from the sun?) There were 8 winning teams that ended up with the best prize of them all-Google paid for their Google Glass.

source: Google

Those who pre-ordered Google Glass got to take part in a Hackathon

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