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BlackBerry welcomes "1000 of the top app partners" to BlackBerry World

Regardless of how you feel about BlackBerry's hardware or the new BlackBerry 10 software, you have to give the company credit for having put together quite an impressive library of apps for the launch of BlackBerry 10. Sure, BlackBerry had to literally pay developers to port apps over, but 70,000 apps is nothing to sneeze at. And, now BlackBerry is welcoming "1000 of the top app partners" to BlackBerry World.

BlackBerry hasn't yet been able to attract everyone, Netflix and Instagram are still in negotiations about building apps for the platform, but the list of app partners that BlackBerry released today is quite impressive. BlackBerry has apps from Bloomberg, CNN, Cisco, ESPN, MLB.com, EA Sports, Facebook, Twitter, Rovio, Rdio, Slacker, AccuWeather, SEGA, and a lot more. It's not totally complete, but it's a launch library that any new platform would be proud of. 

Of course, aside from Netflix and Instagram, the platform also doesn't have any official apps from Google, which means no Google Maps or YouTube. And, for some of you out there, those omissions alone may be enough to sway you from BB10. 

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