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Apple’s iPad inspires new transparent concept

Of course there are a host of technological challenges to contend with before concepts like this become reality, but does anyone really doubt these types of products are in our future?

Digital artist Ricardo Afonso sees the iPad evolving its clean profile into something even cleaner. So clean, it is clear. Such a form factor lends itself to fitting into any occasion or any décor. Afonso did not get too flamboyant with his concept, knowing that it will be some time before we break the barriers of size for micro circuits, processors, and batteries as well as most material’s rather inconvenient insistence on being opaque in nature.

The concept also lends itself to how such products might be styled. There is only so much you can do with a slab of glass, so trim becomes the accent for people to notice. The top and bottom treatments allow for form and function. Add a few different colors and the rest is up to what can be done with the panel and display.

Afonso makes his CGI talent perform a virtual tour (video below) of what could lie ahead for the iPad, or any handheld device for that matter. You will notice that he kept the familiar iOS appearance so that anyone could recognize it for what it is, but we certainly hope that by the time such technology is viable, iOS will have undergone a healthy revision in its user experience, perhaps more than once.

sources: Ricardo Afonso 

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