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Apple, Adobe, Microsoft subpoenaed to appear before Australian Parliament

After months of notes apparently saying something to the effect of, “We’ll get back to you,” the Federal Parliament in Australia is now compelling Microsoft, Apple and Adobe to testify before a committee that is investigating price hikes on products sold by the tech giants.

Understandably, companies do not like to discuss pricing strategies in public as it is the same as tipping one’s hand of cards during a poker match. However, it can also be indicative of companies trying to reach too far into the cookie jar. Consumer groups down under have been lobbying for public hearings, claiming that several companies are price gouging.

Prices for products sold by the companies, or through various portals, like iTunes, Xbox Live and Adobe’s software store have been undergoing mark-ups for some time, to a point that it appears that Australians are now paying more for the exact same software and content than other countries. The companies have not been receptive to talk about their pricing schemes. That has not made the legislators very happy (visibly angry in some cases).

Now, they will be called to account. In the past some of these companies have said simply that Australians will be charged more for products. Adobe is on the record and apparently plans to continue that trend. Microsoft has done the same thing with its products too. Apple has made some adjustments as well, but on the whole prices with many of these products and services continue to rise while the market has seen a drop in other technology sectors (like computers).

The companies will be making their appearance in Canberra on March 22nd. 

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