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Survey indicates Windows Phone, Nokia, draws better customer ratings than Android and Samsung

Samsung is riding a wave of momentum, with customer intent to buy the Galaxy S III still very strong even though it has been available for the better part of a year. According to a survey from ChangeWave service, there is also a strong interest in Samsung’s Galaxy Note II.

In that survey of a little over 4,000 people, iOS was the dominant player, with 71% of users expressing satisfaction with their iPhones. The surprising result was the level of satisfaction with Windows Phone 8. Microsoft’s mobile operating system has garnered strong support, showing 53% of users are satisfied with Windows Phone, versus 48% of Android users.

Nokia has benefited from the satisfaction in Windows Phone, with a “Very Satisfied” response of 56%, a huge jump, the manufacturer is a tad ahead of, but basically tied with Samsung, standing at 55%. Here too, Apple leads the way with a satisfaction response of 70%.  Of those that were planning on buying a smartphone in the next 90 days, half said they would be buying an iPhone, and 21% said they would be buying a Samsung product.  Of those intent on buying a Samsung, 69% are set on a Galaxy S III.  

All-in-all, it is a another bright point for Nokia and Windows Phone.  If Nokia and Microsoft can continue to maintain the momentum through 2013, it would seem that the forecasts for a serious third OS are on track.

sources: Cellular News 

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