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Sony Xperia Z goes well with baked beans and a jacuzzi, Bostonians fall in love (video)

In the next video of the "silly awesome Xperia Z torture tests" series, we present you the moment where Sony's waterproof handset suffers a humiliating drop in a pot of baked beans in an attempt to recreate a real life scenario in the fine city of Boston.

What, you've never dropped your phone in the plate you are eating from? Fret not, this humbling experience is ahead of you at some point, and the premise is that if you sport the Xperia Z, you can just wipe it off and go on your merry ways.

Of course, the guys didn't just do the bans stunt, they also dropped the Z in a puddle, played games in a jacuzzi, and watched a movie under the shower, but you can follow all the events in the video below.

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