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Sacrebleu: Armed robbers hit Paris Apple Store

This Paris Apple Strore was robbed on Monday night
With perfect timing suggesting a professional job, four masked and armed individuals broke into the Apple Store located behind the Paris Opera House. One report credits the thieves with getting away with loot worth 1 million Euros or $1.32 million USD, although Apple says it is still evaluating the loss. As the robbery took place on New Year's Eve, the majority of the cops were watching the celebrations taking place at Champs Elysees for New Year's Eve.

According to police, the four crooks left the scene of the crime driving a van in which they carted away their take consisting of Apple iPhones, Apple iPads and Macs. The quartet overpowered a security guard and left the janitor "slightly injured" during the commission of the crime ,which took 40 minutes to complete. The robbers avoided display items and instead, went for boxed devices. The theft took place at 9pm local time, three hours after the store had closed for the night.

source: CNET

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